Now banned from Adult FriendFinder (AFF) - it's been well over three weeks now, I'm unable to retrieve my blog posts. There are a few blog posts, mainly the ones that took me many hours to compile, which I'd like retrieve. Stupidly I never saved them elsewhere because, again stupidly, I thought I'd never get banned from such an esteemed site.

In particular, I want to retrieve my blog posts about my sex parties, swinging experiences and the the Tour de France.

Do you save your blog posts elsewhere for safekeeping?
Can you remember your first blog post on AFF or elsewhere? And, if so, what was it about?

Mr first 'proper' blog post was on the 1987 film, Personal Services. The film, starring Julie Walters, was about Cynthia Payne, who was dubbed Madam Cyn when she made the headlines of national newspapers here.

She ran a brothel at 32 Ambleside Avenue in Streatham, a suburb in south London. She also hosted sex parties; many members of the so-called British establishment made use of her 'personal services'. Below is a photo of Cynthia Payne and some of her party hostesses.


  1. My very first blog post there was in October of 2006 and was a steamy fantasy about fucking in a public library, lol. At that point I had already been blogging for a year or so on MySpace - remember MySpace? For a while I was posting in both spots...some were cross-posts; the ones about my AFF liaisons I only posted on MySpace on the theory that I didn't want my AFF guys to stumble upon a post about themselves (which may or may not be flattering).
    Eventually I went to only posting on AFF. The blogs on MySpace died a slow death and by the time I thought to try to retrieve my posts there, that particular feature of the site had disappeared and it was only a home for music groups. You'd think I would have learned my lesson from that!!

    1. I do remember MySpace but more for music than blogs.
      There's still time to save your posts on AFF.

  2. I do save all my blog posts, I had a habit of writing in the word program and then copy paste them over to AFF.

    My very first blog post on AFF, I'm pretty sure was about sex.

    You never know, maybe you'll be able to go back.

    1. I guess my first blog post was about sex in a roundabout way.
      There does seem a chance that I'll be able to retrieve my posts.

  3. I save posts. I learned a valuable lesson not long after I'd begun blogging. I had typed out a fairly long post at AFF when the site crashed and I had to do it all over again. I didn't like it as much as the original post of course because while I'd been in the zone tapping out the first version, the muse had flown after the crash and being frustrated and mightily pissed off I just couldn't match my expertise and erudition in the new version. I'm sure my post was nearly as good as anything J.D. Salinger had ever banged out on a keyboard. It's a loss for the entire literary world and it's all AFF's fault. From then on I've typed my posts in a word processor and copy and paste them in the blog pane.

    1. I type out my posts offline before copy-and-pasting them online but I've always, stupidly I realise now, deleted the posts offline.

  4. I have all of my erotica saved for the most part but did not save many of my afternoon posts as I always wrote them on the fly. Aff was the only site I wrote my erotica on. I do admin. a site on FB but do not write anything there with any kind of content. I can not remember my first post at all so it must not have been that

    1. Your comment got spammed and didn't initially show up until I unspammed it.
      I should have saved my posts, perhaps not all of them as some were utter rubbish!

    2. I wonder why it was spammed again?

    3. Only Google can answer that question. I can assure you that it was nothing to do with me!

  5. My first blog was a photo of cherry blossoms. I managed to save blogs from 2010 to 2020 before I got banned. I'm copying them over bit by bit to Blogger. I started an archive blog instead of adding them to my current one.

  6. Cherry blossoms are a recurring theme in you blogging.


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