My stepson is still living with his father even though they both don't seem to like the cohabiting arrangement. At least my stepson so far has made no noises about coming back to live with his mother and myself.

He's now in Thailand on holiday with two friends for three weeks. What can go wrong?

Well it went wrong well before he set off from Nottingham to the airport to catch his flight to Bangkok. When he tried to download details about his flight, he realised he had booked the outgoing flight a month later than he should have done, and his return flight was booked as if he was staying in Thailand for four weeks! It turned out that he had booked his flights when he was drunk and stoned.

His father has had to cough up well over a £1,000 so his son can rearrange his flights. As he said to my wife (and his ex-wife), "it's money well spent to get rid of that cunt for a few weeks!"

My stepson has been in Thailand for just over a day and he's already phoned his mother, my wife, three times. My wife is very worried about what'll happen to him in Thailand. As she says, he thinks he knows it all but he knows nothing especially when it comes to visiting faraway places.

My stepson and his two friends had the 'bright' idea of only booking flights and not accommodation; they're already complaining about the cost of hotel accommodation in Bangkok. I advised them to at least book accommodation for the first few nights in Bangkok to give them time to get their bearings, make plans and shop around.

Given his compulsion to smoke weed, my stepson has been repeatedly advised to buy weed off other tourists even if it costs more than dealing with a local gang, which may be infiltrated by the police and which may be involved in a turf war with another gang. The Thai authorities aren't tolerant about drugs; long prison sentences and even death sentences have been passed down to tourists using and especially selling drugs.

Also my stepson has been advised not to criticise the Thai royalty - it's a criminal and imprisonable offence to do so. And he's been advised to take and use condoms even if he's with a lady boy in Bangkok!

While my wife is very worried about her son; I'm taking a more positive view of things thinking that this will help show my wife what an idiot he is. On his last phone call to my wife, he said he was about to eat a toasted cheese-and-beans sandwich. Clearly he's not embracing local culinary culture - Thai food is delicious. Thailand will probably pass him by; he'll just do what he would have done if he had remained in England.

I'll keep you updated, especially if things go awry, of his time in Thailand. I know I shouldn't laugh at people's misfortunes but schadenfreude can be a good antidote sometimes!


  1. Thailand seems an odd choice for someone not super well traveled (I assume he's not?) and not savvy. I can understand why your wife is worried.

    He and his friends probably envisioned lots o' fun sex tourism.

    1. His two friends had already booked the holiday, so he tagged along. One of his two friends has been to Thailand before so he's the expert!

  2. I agree with smarty, Thailand seems an odd choice. But he wanted to go with his friends obviously

    As a weed smoker, ain’t no way I’d buy it in another country unless it was legal there. Just not worth it

    1. My stepson has already bought some weed. He bought two ready-rolled joints. At least he can't be done for dealing if he gets caught!

  3. Maybe this trip to Thailand will help him mature in some ways.He sounds like a handful and every parents nightmare child..

    1. My stepson is 30 years old, maturity seems to have passed him by!

  4. Let’s hope he doesn’t manage to get himself arrested. He might be brilliant enough to try to buy drugs from a cop or get drunk and disparage the royal family.

    1. I'm hoping he picks up a lady boy thinking he's a woman!

    2. That's happened to many sailors 😂

    3. I've just found out that he went to a bar where drinks were £25 each! He's going to run out of money soon.

    4. Holy Shite! That's super expensive!! 😱

    5. I suspect there were prostitutes tempting him to buy drinks in the bar.

    6. Sounds about right, and the ladies are probably lady boys 😂

    7. He left the bar early and left his two friends in the bar.

    8. I believe he went back alone as he later had a WhatsApp call with his mother and she saw no evidence of anyone else in his room.

  5. Replies
    1. After three days in Thailand, my stepson is now thinking of flying back home. It's not going well for him; he has already separated from his two friends.

    2. Funny and sad, possibly just pathetic.

    3. It is pathetic. If my stepson flies home now after a few days in Thailand, it suggests he can't handle any situation. He just needs to deal with things. I've suggested he flies from Bangkok to Phuket and stay in a beach hut. I don't think he's interested in going north for the Buddhist temples.

    4. From what you've written of him, not suggested, demonstrated.

    5. What a wasted trip seeing how he's unable to embrace the experience.

    6. The danger now that he's on his own and he decides not to fly back is that he may befriend people who lead him to trouble!

    7. Unenlightened foreigner all on his own is sure to be a magnet for those who prey on tourists.

    8. That's my fear. He thinks he's so street-wise, he never knows when he's being played. He thinks he has a lot of friends, but many of his friends are only 'friends' because he sells them weed.
      There hasn't been an incident in the last 24 hours. Hopefully he's made up with his two friends.

  6. I have been reading all of this. I haven't chimed in because it all kind of makes me sad. I'm so glad my daughter has life skills, I can't imagine being this boy's mother. Holy shit.

    1. In some ways, I hope he decides to fly back home. In my opinion, he's not capable of getting by on his won without falling into trouble. Though his friends are 'muppets', I fear my stepson will start hanging around with others who may lead him astray. He's not very independent.

    2. I've advised him, via his mother, that if he's not reconciled with his friends that he should go to a beach, rent a cheap beach hut and just 'bum' around on the beach.

    3. I agree, sounds like some beach time would be the best option for him at this point. How worrying for mom!

    4. I spoke to him last night on a WhatsApp call. He says he's enjoying things and he's even visited a Buddhist temple. Just maybe this trip may be the making of him.

    5. It's good to hear that he's doing some exploring on his own.

    6. There's hope but there's over two weeks of his holiday to go!

    7. His first ever overseas trip is that long?? He should've started off with much shorter one.

    8. He has been abroad before, though only in Europe. I did take him to Morocco and The Gambia though he was very young then and controllable!

    9. Fingers crossed he learns at least a little something on this trip.

    10. I've just posted an update on AFF. He's on his own on a beach. And so far, no sign of trouble. No news is good news.

    11. I'm hoping he surprises you. It's probably foolish, but, I'm going to keep hoping.

    12. I hope he surprises me. But I think on his last WhatsApp call he was just saying things what we wanted to hear. But I'm more than happy to be proved wrong.

    13. I see you changed the title on the AFF blog 😂

    14. I was trying to be less damning of him with my changed title!

    15. Mighty thoughtful of you 😂

    16. I realise on AFF that my stepson is treated as the demon personified. And that's not my intention. He's far from easy to get on with but I do hope he finds a way to get by in life, so long as it's not in my house!

    17. I realise since I've blogged about my stepson that it said probably more about my relationship with my wife than my relationship with my stepson.


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