Here a 'Dear John' letter is a letter sent by one person to finish a relationship with another person. Obviously in the digital age, emails have largely replaced letters. In this case I didn't actually dump Jon, he dumped me. But why stop the facts get in the way of a good metaphor. I will enjoy writing this letter to Jon!

Below is my letter to Jon Buckheit, FriendFinder Networks' chief executive officer. It's by being a paying gold member for many years of Adult FriendFinder (AFF), one of the many FriendFinder Networks' sites, through which I unfortunately got to know about Jon.

Dear Jon

I know you'll read this letter even though I've not posted it to you - stamps are now very expensive here in Britain, and even though I've not emailed it to you - emails are just so dehumanising, don't you think?

You've let it be known that you're following the people you've recently banned from your site who have migrated here, or maybe you've ordered a minion to follow us and report back to you. But either way, you've made it easy for me to communicate with you.

Let's be honest, it wasn't easy to communicate with you, and especially your colleague Ali R, after I got banned but obviously you had important chief executive duties and Ali R had important customer service duties to attend to.

I hope you will enjoy reading this letter just as much as I've enjoyed writing this letter. Where do I start? Well perhaps it's because I can. I can write this letter here whereas I couldn't write such a letter on your site.

It seems you don't like criticism. No one does, but most people learn to handle and even learn from criticism. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not for abusive criticism. I'm all for constructive criticism. Allowing such criticism is a way that all reputable organisations can adapt and become better organisations - learn, improve and prosper. If you had spent time trying to fix the glaring problems of the site - for example, the arbitrary denial of posts, comments and images by Tier 1 and the site's inability to roll out new features without making existing and working features crash, which led to criticism of the site, then you wouldn't have had to purge the critics. It's that simple!

Also, it seems you don't like communication. The site you run is terrible at communicating with its members. I know it can be really difficult as a social media site communicating en masse to its members, but I do suggest you give it a try!

And finally it seems you don't trust staff you employ directly or indirectly. You allowed the process of reviewing and approving blog posts, comments, replies and images to be farmed out to so-called Tier 1. Tier 1 were incompetent at reviewing and approving postings to see whether they complied with the site's terms of use, but no doubt that was the cheapest way to do things for you. Nonetheless, just in case Tier 1 allowed a blog or group post critical of your organisation even if the postings complied with the site's terms of use, you instructed Tier 2 of Site Support, who should have better things to do, to follow established bloggers to monitor their posts for such criticism. How else could you have banned me when my seemingly ban-worthy post was approved by Tier 1? You have two layers of surveillance going on. But the extra surveillance isn't about weeding out bloggers who post about under-age sex, incest or anything else illegal that may have escaped Tier 1's attentions, it was all about monitoring criticism of you and your site. You clearly didn't have the balls to change your site's terms of use to make criticism of you a breach of the site's terms so we all know where we stood on your totalitarian site. Pathetic. Anyone would think you're paranoid! Do you ever wonder what your staff think about working for you? That's a rhetorical question by the way.

However, it seems you rate yourself as a businessman. Now let's put the allegations that you stole this site from someone else to one side. From where I'm standing, I don't think you are a good businessman. And here are three reasons why I think you're a very bad businessman.

First, you've allowed Ali R to be in post as head of customer services, someone who refuses to communicate with customers and someone who expects customers to grovel and apologise if they dare to complain. This doesn't seem to be how a customer services head should behave. Ali R's skill set doesn't seem quite right for the post he's holding, but yet you still keep him on. [Hi Ali, I know you're reading this and I hope you're enjoying the read too!]

Second, your business model seems to be about attracting as many men as you can with the false promise that they'll 'get laid tonight'. Many of these men emboldened by your marketing claims are abusive in their dealings with women on the site. Does that ever worry you as a businessman or maybe you need to be a businesswoman for it to worry you? Also, you seem to be tempting standard members, mainly men, with a few privileges of communicating direct to women hoping that they'll upgrade to paid gold membership once those privileges are denied to them. What does this say about your views on women and particularly women on your site? Surely you're not using women as bait because, if so, that makes you a pimp.

Third, the site is nothing without its members. You took a business decision, or allowed Ali R to take a business decision, to ban four members of your site, all established bloggers who brought something to the AFF table. How is that good business? You decided to turn on your members and blame them for standard members not becoming paid gold members. We were just members of your site, not your paid minions. And what you did just didn't affect us as banned members but affected existing members as well. You turned on your members to blame them for your shortcomings, great business! You need to get real Jon, otherwise you're heading for a big fall as a businessman. And I for one won't be shedding a tear if that befalls you.

You don't seem to care about the site. It's almost as if you're deliberately trashing the site so it loses value and therefore you don't have to pay out as much if and hopefully when you lose that court case. Mel Brooks would have been very proud of you, though I'm not so sure that your parents and children would be quite so proud of you for pulling that low stunt!

Oh Jon, I've so enjoyed writing this letter, I hope you made it to the end. And please feel free to leave a comment below. I'm sure chief executive officers are allowed to do that. You can ask Ali R to leave a comment too but tell him to have a good wash first as I don't want a bad smell left on my blog after he's visited!

Now I know you dumped me first but it seems you and Ali R are happy to have me back. But too late, I'm now dumping you as I no longer want to blog with you.

You may have been able to muzzle me on AFF but you can't muzzle me here or elsewhere.

Stephen (aka spunkycumfun)


  1. *Standing Ovation*

    Amen to everything you said.

    They want to point fingers to four bloggers instead of actual look at their problems and fix them. It's not a good way to run a business.

    1. I needed to get this posted sooner rather than later. And now I've retrieved my blog posts, this is the opportune time. My guess though is that it won't be picked up by AFF.

    2. Perhaps I should do my 'goodbye' blog post on AFF now!

    3. I'm going to take my chances that I'm not going to be banned because of this, not least because it requires a degree of competence on behalf of AFF to do that!
      But I never thought I would be banned the last time. So I could be arrogant here.
      To be honest, it no longer matters to me whether I'm banned or not from AFF. I think I said what was needed, at least within the parameters of what's allowed on AFF, when I first got back onto AFF.

    4. It's difficult to say, but given you weren't banned for your support of my email. I don't suspect you will get banned for this. But, who knows?

  2. While I’m taking the opposite approach, all points you brought up are valid and should be addressed. The site needs to fix what’s actually broke or go broke.

    1. I've lost all confidence that the AFF is serious about fixing and improving things, but I'd be happy to be proved wrong.

  3. Since we're being monitored and I'm still in process of saving blog posts, I'll just say, Wow. ;)

  4. I am so with you on all you wrote to "Dear Jon" as there was so much going on behind the scenes that others on AFF and now here, knew nothing about. I am also blessed to have been in exile with you, JN and Deb and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Neither Jon nor Ali should be allowed to run a business and hope the upcoming case shows that. They picked on the wrong bloggers to try to make an example of, instead of fixing all the problems they should have to begin with

    1. A lot rests on that court case for AFF.

    2. It does and hope it is in Andrew's favour..

    3. There's a chance that the case may be settled in arbitration. I'm not sure what the timescales are.

    4. Arbitration, just one more way to prolong it all unfortunately. In the meantime, does being in arbitration actually put a halt to what is happening on the site? Not as far as I know, it does not.

    5. I think the judge in an earlier hearing invited Jon and Andrew to go down the arbitration route in an attempt to settle before the case goes to to full trial.

    6. The judge ORDERED them to go to arbitration, and that happens in June.

    7. I can't see arbitration settling the dispute unless Jon realises the game is up.

    8. A lot can happen between now and arbitration, especially with the new changes. You never know.

      PS. The glitch is fixed on my end too. Huzzah!

    9. The charging for seeing who has viewed you, hotlisted or flirted with you. Charging to chat in chatrooms.

      I can't imagine that's going to help their revenue stream.

    10. Charging for blogging will be next, and maybe even charging while breathing while on AFF!
      It's desperate stuff.

    11. Oh for sure, they are going to keep putting price tags on every facet of that site rather than fix what's wrong.

    12. Fixing what's wrong is the last thing AFF, or the powers-that-be, will do.
      The site is being trashed.

    13. Yep, it is being trashed and I think will be a thing of the past over time..

    14. Jon seems to be doing a Mel Brooks in The Producers film/musical!

    15. Seems to be the case and he is no Mel

  5. Check your spam box, I think there's comments in there from me

    1. Deb for some reason my comments on your Farm Friday have failed to go through so far this morning, yet I can comment here..

    2. Thanks. I've just found a lot of comments, all posted by you (Debbi), in my spam folder. I've now released them all.

    3. Joy it looks like your second set of comments are there. :)

    4. I am glad it is all fixed now..

  6. One of my comments in Club7 to one of your points, "The current boss seemingly driving its worth to the thousand dollars he effectively paid for it."

    1. I guess in some twisted and warped way, there is fairness in that strategy!

    2. What alternative universe are you living in? 🙂

    3. Fair? It’s fair to devalue a company he got for pennies on the dollar because his case is smoke and mirrors?

    4. @Debbi Fractions of pennies by my math.

    5. @Saul, I'm sure you're right, I didn't even try to math it out...I guessed.

    6. My reply was made in jest. It's brazen fraud.

    7. @Bow Ahhh...once again the limitations of text. Why oh why won't they make a sarcasm font.

    8. Sarcasm and irony often fail online. I usually add an exclamation mark when I'm being sarcastic/ironic or even plain silly.

    9. @Debbi Repurchase of equity valued at $5 million. So, $1,000 is 0.02 cents per dollar of equity.

    10. I usually end the sarcasm part with a /s.


      Jon is the best CEO ever. /s

    11. @BandAMan Yeah, sarcasm often doesn't work in plain text.

    12. Or the ever useful eyeroll emoji 🙄

    13. @Saul Woah...

      Bow is emoji deficient, it falls within that luddite thing.

    14. Emojis are definitely beyond me here!

    15. The problem is remembering the emojis. I can always remember how to do an exclamation mark!

    16. A friend told me memory is the second thing to go. I don't remember what he said the first is.

    17. @Saul 😂😂🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ I’m not worthy 🤣🤣🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

    18. @Debbi 🙇‍♂️ (Yes, you are, just perhaps not in this context 😉)

    19. I can't remember the first thing either!

    20. Based on my experience, it's the vision. I USED to be near sighted, all of the sudden I can't see fuck all close up.

      @Saul, 😊🐈‍⬛🐈

    21. @Debbi @Bow If/when I remember which friend, I'll ask him.

    22. Saul - I can't even remember what I asked you to ask!

    23. Have either of you seen my glasses? I can't read a thing!

    24. I can't see your glasses because I haven't got my glasses on!


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