When on Adult FriendFinder, I penned a regular series of blog posts about my girlfriends - 16 out of 31 were covered. Following my blog post on girlfriend #8 (see, I'm going to continue this series further here.

Girlfriend #23 shares a first name with the three famous women shown in the photos above and below.

I can't quite remember how I first met girlfriend #23 except that it would have been in a pub in Portsmouth. She was a psychology lecturer at the same university I was working for. Given two members of the football team, Inter Milldam, which I captained, were also her colleagues in the same department she worked in, it's probable I met her in the Wine Vaults pub where we would have a beer after a football game on Monday nights.

We must have chatted and exchanged phone numbers. I don't know who phoned who, but our first date was in the same pub. I found her to be very interesting company. We had a lot in common in that I was interested in psychology, though I suspect she wasn't as interested in politics. In politics, quite a lot of psychology is used to explain political behaviour especially how people vote, how political organisations make decisions and how public policy is made. Political psychology is definitely what got us initially bonded.

I would tease her because psychologists often like to think themselves as scientists. Though I was a political scientist, I could never pretend to be a scientist working in laboratory-like conditions while controlling the variables like real scientists allegedly do. My teasing was of course my way of flirting with her.

After one weekday date, it could have even been the first one, I invited her back to my house which was only a few minutes walk from the pub. After a nightcap, we retired to my bedroom. I immediately stripped off and jumped into bed. She was more careful how she undressed but she did get into bed naked.

She was a little unconfident about her body. As we were slowly making out, kissing and touching, I found out she was hairy in places I wasn't expecting her to be hairy. I've always liked au naturel but I was a little perturbed. Now please don't get me wrong, that was my problem and not her problem.

After more less-than-frenzied foreplay, I asked her whether a condom was needed for penetrative sex. Very reasonably, she said yes. As I was fumbling in my bedside drawer for a condom, she unexpectedly asked whether my bedroom furniture was Stag furniture. A little bewildered at this turn-off question, I replied that it was indeed Stag furniture and complimented and teased her on her detailed knowledge of furniture!

We did have sex that night. But, perhaps tellingly, we didn't have sex in the morning when we woke up.

I was having a party at my house the following weekend. I asked her to the party and said that she was most welcome to bring along a friend or two to the party. She said that she'd love to come and that she would ask her best friend to come along with her.

Girlfriend #23, with her best friend, arrived at the party on time and not so-called fashionably late. As party host, I was doing the rounds chatting to people. Each time I was chatting to someone, girlfriend #23 kept coming up to me to hold my hand or put her arm around me. I was feeling uncomfortable as she was coming across as possessive to me. I wasn't embarrassed about our fledgling relationship but I would have preferred to have told my friends in my own way without being branded on her terms.

At the party, as I was doing my host-like rounds, I was talking to the two football friends who worked in the same department as girlfriend #23. As on cue, girlfriend #23 came up to me and held my hand. One of my two friends was a little surprised, without being rude, said to girlfriend #23 that he wasn't expecting her at my party. While holding my hands, girlfriend #23 announced to him that I was her boyfriend. I snapped and said I was a boyfriend but am no longer her boyfriend.

After hearing what I said, girlfriend #23 stormed out of the house in tears with her best friend. My football friend remarked to me that was the most brutal ending of a relationship he had ever seen. I acknowledged his observation but carried on to enjoy the party. I felt a lot more comfortable at the party with her gone, even though I wasn't proud what I had said to girlfriend #23.

Have you ever brutally ended a relationship? Or, has someone brutally ended a relationship with you?
Have you worked out the first name of girlfriend #23?

I didn't get in touch with girlfriend #23 after the party as I thought our relationship had now clearly ended which is what I wanted. Why muddy the waters?

Looking back, perhaps I shouldn't have invited girlfriend #23 to my party but I had no way of knowing that she was going to be so possessive. Also looking back, the party did bring things to a head. My relationship with girlfriend #23 only lasted a week-or-so rather than weeks to unravel as unravel it would have done.


  1. I haven’t had a dramatic or brutal break up. Some may have felt brutal at the time, but when I take them in their overall context, I’ve had some mature breakups.

    You know I’m never gonna guess her name

    1. I've had a few mature breakups, as well as quite a few immature break-ups!
      Her name is Hilary.

    2. Well, there was that guy who stalked me after we broke up. I don’t think I was brutal, but he apparently did. So I retract my first statement, I told a guy I was only dating for three weeks I didn’t want to date him anymore in private and that was too brutal for him

    3. Some people are terrible at handling rejection. No one likes being rejected but it's always best for both parties concerned to accept things and move on.

  2. Once again I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about the definition of "girlfriend". 😊

    I had one boyfriend break up with me by leaving a message on my answering machine, that seemed tacky at the time. In another situation, it was more of a FWB but we had been involved for about six months AND I was paying him to rebuild my deck - he emailed and coldly stated "I have decided I no longer want to keep this friendship". I think in reality he had decided the sex with me wasn't worth having the deck obligation hanging over his head.

    1. There seems to be transatlantic cultural differences about what constitutes a girlfriend or boyfriend.
      I once got dumped by text. I was put out at the time but soon after I realised it was quicker and less messy than meeting up or having a phone conversation.
      I've never had a sex-for-decking arrangement!

  3. Yes I have had some brutal break-ups in my lifetime, but look at them as a stepping stone to where I am now in life with my Old Flame. I could not be happier. As for the name, that last pic. looks a bit like Hilary Swank so may guess her name was Hilary?

    1. Hilary is correct. The photos are of Hilary Duff, Hilary Mantel and Hilary Swank.

    2. I thought the first one reminded me of Hilary Duff..Yeah! I got it right this

    3. Congratulations. I'll give you some AFF points as a prize!


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