Benvenuto di Giovanni's The Resurrection, 1491:

Three days after my resurrection, I thought I'd update you all about my return to Adult FriendFinder (AFF).

My main reason wanting to get back onto AFF was to retrieve some blog posts before submitting a blog post to say goodbye to my friends on my terms and not on AFF's terms. Bar for a final goodbye post, I have no intention of blogging on AFF until certain major changes are made to the site.

Before returning to AFF on Wednesday, I was conscious that I needed to be disciplined in my approach so as not to be sucked back into things. In my head, I mapped out a five-step approach to my return. I always like to plan things!

First, I would deal with any mail received on AFF's dating side. There wasn't a lot of mail to deal with. And it was easy to deal with because as I'm now a standard member on AFF, suggesting the site has refunded by gold membership renewal on the day I got banned, I'm not able to read or reply to mail. I did, however, get in touch with those who sent me mail, via their blog or by email, acknowledging their mail and explaining that I wasn't being rude not mailing them back.

The second step was to reply to all comments left on my blog posts that I hadn't replied to prior to my ban. There were a few comments to reply to especially on my last blog post about my stepson coming back - he's now since moved out  again! However, I noticed that after a while of being on AFF, new comments, especially posted in my mailbox, were streaming in. It seems my resurrection was soon noticed by several bloggers even though I hadn't contacted them. I then replied to those new comments.

The third step was to contact those whose blogs I follow and whom I'm on friendly terms with. This step proved be far more time-consuming than I had envisaged - looking back, I perhaps should have submitted a blog post announcing my resurrection and that I'm going to be a lurking and not a blogging Jesus!

I had well over 2,500 alerts waiting for me. Over 1,500 alerts were old alerts already dealt with before my ban. That still left about 1,000 alerts to deal with. With a few exceptions of blog posts submitted by close friends, I only made one comment on one blog post of those whose blogs I follow. This meant a lot of blog posts could be culled. However, it is only today that I got through all the alerts. My comments provoked replies which I also dealt with. From now on, it will be easy to keep on top of my alerts. I'm just going to delete alerts notifying me of a new blog post; I may read a few posts submitted by a few and select number of few friends and even leave a comment. I intend to keep this to a minimum as I don't want to get sucked back into things.

The fourth step is to retrieve some old blog posts. At a glance, it seems all my blog posts are there, though I've noticed quite a few of my comments haven't survived my exile. The latter isn't a problem as it's the blog posts that I want to rescue.

Fifth, and finally, I will submit a blog post to say goodbye. After that, I won't deactivate my account on AFF as I want to be ready to blog again if and hopefully when certain key changes have been made to the site.

A few of my comments/replies I left on AFF this week were predictably denied - some things don't change! Fortunately, they were denied by Tier 1 and not Site Support. All my postings were factual and none were critical of the site. Until I've retrieved my blog posts, I'm going to have to be a bit careful what I post on AFF and even here as I don't want to get banned for the third time until I've saved my blog posts!

During my trawl through my alerts, I came across many postings that were very supportive about the exiles. They were very heartening to read.

Like Jesus Christ, three days after my resurrection, I am now a lurker on AFF. If only I was resurrected on Good Friday and then people could call me Jesus and not Mr Wordy!

Albrecht Dürer's Jesus Among the Doctors, 1506:


  1. So I assume you're just copying the posts you want to save, and not deleting them? That will go more quickly for you than it is for me.
    I am not hopeful of those certain key changes ever occurring. Right now my game plan is to deactivate entirely after all of my content has been saved. Who knows whether I'll have the strength to do that after (gulp) 18 years there!

    1. I'm not deleting my posts.
      I'm hopeful but realise that by the end of the year it may be a hopeless situation.
      18 years is a long time. But let's hope there's one more party on AFF when a certain court case is determined. It'll be quite a party!

  2. I know it's a lot to trudge through, but I have every faith you can get it done.

    I can see how getting sucked back in could be tough, I know you'll do what's best for you in the long run and that's all I can hope for as your friend.

    1. I second what Deb said here. Do what is right for you and just know I will be with you at that party..

    2. I've done the trudge, now I've just got to finish rescuing my blog posts over the next few days.
      I'm not getting many alerts now so it's easier not to get sucked in.

    3. Nice to know you have your blog posts saved now and hope the party gets started sooner rather then later..😉✌✌

    4. The issue I'm having is that my list of blog posts to save keeps getting longer. At the rate I'm going, I'll be saving all 1,876 posts I've ever posted!

    5. Are you really going to save the polls about vegetables and soup?

    6. No, I'm not saving my food and drink polls. I'm just saving my girlfriends, climate change, Tour de France, sex party and swinging posts.

  3. I only had 200 alerts to weed through 😂

    Methinks the Mr. Wordy moniker is here to stay 😂

    1. I now prefer Jesus Wordy as my moniker!

    2. I believe your last blog post had more words than this post. Ms County-cum-Wordy!

    3. I never said I wasn’t wordy. Ask Nick, he’ll tell you I can go on for hours 😂

      In a half hour car ride, I went from babbling about the email and possibly boosting it through taking out an ad to marveling over how much my taste buds have changed. I don’t think nick said more than a few sentences 🤣

    4. He said thanks, she’s not so bad

    5. He has to say that in front of you!


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