Below is my 'last' blog post submitted on Adult FriendFinder (AFF). My original plan was to make my last post a goodbye post, at least until some serious changes are made to AFF's senior management. However, I don't want to deactivate my account as I still want a link to my blog there.

The post is an acrostic - the message can be read by reading the first letter of each of the eleven bullet points. I wonder whether it'll get approved and whether I'll get banned again. My guess is that it will and I won't.


Recently re-started by @JN63JPN after a long hiatus, @superbjversion2 tagged me to reveal ten things about myself. I'm going to reveal not ten but eleven things about myself for reasons that hopefully if not cryptically will become apparent.

1.  Joining the site in May 2008, I've been a member for 16 years! Initially I joined as part of a swinging couple, but the last few years I'm only here as a blogger.
2.  On being born, I was brought up on a dairy farm though many of my childhood years were spent at an all-boys boarding school.
3.  Not all of the four banned exiles wanted back on the site. Two did and two didn't. I wanted back primarily to retrieve some of my blog posts, especially the Tour de France posts, because I stupidly didn't save them thinking I was never going to get banned!
4.  I've done quite a few interviews of bloggers here. A few bloggers have rescued their interview just in case I get banned again. In the first comment below is a list of interviews I did.
5.  Something I'm quite proud of is that I was the last recipient of the site's best cock award. I guess that still means I have the best cock!
6.  A thing I miss most are my swinging days.
7.  Lurking around blogland, and occasionally commenting on blog posts, is what I'm doing since having my ban lifted. To be honest, I've lost my blogging mojo since my ban and blogging is supposed to be fun.
8.  On 25 February, I posted my last food-and-drink poll - see q:2508080. Barbecue sauce and ketchup jointly won this poll, though voting is still open!
9.  Since my return here after my six-week ban, I'm now only a standard member. Until I was banned, I've always been a paying gold member. But on the eve of my ban before I went to bed, having checked that my auto-renewal was turned off, I woke up the next day realising that my auto-renewal had mysteriously turned itself on. On the same day I was banned from the site, my gold membership was renewed - I did later get a refund.
10. Eurovision is on tonight. I think Croatia's entry will win. It's a very catchy song titled Rim Tim Tagi Dim performed by Baby Lasagna - see photo below. This year's contest has got very political; the Dutch entrant has just been disqualified!
11. Recently I have taken up the hobby of compiling acrostics!

I am tagging the following to reveal ten things about themselves: @AstroCherry, @BeccaLuvs, @bignicktx, @DanielZwat1950, @joisygirl, @LovingOral1964, @Mibelayze, @OddsAgainst, @TicklePlease, @Tmptrzz and @trixietrixster.

Apologies, I know I've tagged eleven bloggers but someone may have been already tagged by someone else! My tag is only an invitation not an obligation. I know some people don't like these tag games.


  1. I don't know if it will make it through or not but I had fun reading it. :D Jon is a loser is perfection. I have a feeling very few will even know what an acrostic is.

    1. I'm definitely banking on the reviewers not knowing what an acrostic is and, even if they do, whether they can be bothered to piece together the message.

    2. Number 9 may give them a pause though

    3. You may be right; I suspect a denial rather than a ban for that.

  2. After three hours, I deleted my AFF blog post and re-posted it without any mention to my auto-renewal issue. My post has just been approved by Tier 1. Will Tier 2/Site Support allow it to stand? I'd be disappointed if I was still on AFF's naughty step as this was my first blog post since my ban was lifted, my level has gone down and I've well and truly disappeared from the list of popular bloggers there.

    1. Oh wow. How far did they drop you in level?

    2. Only one level. But I suspect it's because I'm now standard that I've disappeared from view.

  3. Brilliant way to get your message across without being too obvious. 😂

    1. Unfortunately it wasn't obvious enough.

    2. Those who get it will have a good chuckle.

    3. My guess is that no one will get it on AFF, which is probably why my post wasn't denied and I'm not banned again. This is the lengths I have to go to register dissent on that shitty site!

    4. Your efforts aren't wasted here 😂

    5. Maybe, but here I'm in a bubble, a lovely bubble nonetheless.

    6. I like it here and am glad we're seeing more coming this way.

  4. I got a huge chuckle out of this as Jon is indeed a loser. I am glad it made it through but wish more members had gotten it's meaning. I love the Bubble here and those who are in it..Well done..

    1. My 'Jon is a loser' had to be subtle to get through though it was probably too subtle to get noticed.

  5. Count me among those who didn't get the joke when this appeared on AFF. Thanks for explaining it here! Hilariously subversive (maybe a little too much so....).

    1. It was too subtle. I did think of adding a bit explaining what an acrostic was but I thought I was just playing into hands of the banners.

    2. I don't know whether acrostics are popular in America. But here an acrostic is often used by a disgruntled employee handing in their notice of resignation to their employer.

    3. Acrostics are used quite often here also in certain circumstances..

    4. Even if the recipient doesn't get the acrostic, the compiler generally feels better sending it.

    5. Nothing like an "Inside Joke" that only a few in the know will

    6. Inside jokes are very comforting sometimes.

    7. Acrostics aren’t big here that I know of…though some people use them in poetry or other things. But, I think you’re more likely to see one used like spelling out someone’s name by saying nice things about them.

    8. Acrostics are sometimes used here for purposes of complimenting someone.


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