Girlfriend #19 shares a first name with the three famous women shown in the photos above and below.

Like girlfriend #20, I met girlfriend #19 at a drunken dinner party hosted by one of my best friends. However, unlike girlfriend #20, I didn't have sex with girlfriend #19 after dinner.

I had known girlfriend #19 via my best friend for a couple of years beforehand. Though we got on okay, there was no spark between us. She was much younger than me and she seemed to like men who played rugby - I wasn't then and nor am I now a macho man.

Conversation over dinner was good, and there were unexpected signs that girlfriend #19 was flirting with me. I didn't particularly reciprocate but noted her verbal advances towards me. My best friend's partner also noted her verbal advances, so much so that in the morning, with girlfriend #19 out of earshot, issue me a warning to stay clear of her as she is trouble.

At breakfast, all four of us continued where we last left off at the previous evening's dinner. Girlfriend #19 was still flirting with me. With my best friend and her partner in the kitchen, girlfriend #19 invited me over to her place for dinner the next weekend. I accepted her invitation and we swapped phone numbers.

Girlfriend #19 lived about 60 miles away, that's far by British standards. I drove to her place and I assumed that I was staying over whether in her bed or a separate bed. We went to a nearby restaurant and there was a lot of flirting going on. I ended up in her bed for the night having sex with her in the nighttime and in the morning on waking up.

Girlfriend #19 asked to stay over for another day. She had to go to work at a local building society - building societies are a bit like banks but owned by its members and not shareholders; they're effectively credit unions. Because I had to entertain myself while she was at work for a few hours, I hit upon a brainwave, well it seemed like a brainwave at the time. I decided to go to her building society branch and try and open a savings account just offering tenpence. I don't think she particularly say the funny side of my stunt.

After she had finished work, she came back to her home. She explained that she had to pick up her young daughter being looked after by her ex and her daughter's father. I knew she had a kid so that was no surprise. I was just a little surprised that I was due to meet her daughter. Though I thought a bit early, I took it as a good sign. Things seemed to go okay between me and the daughter of girlfriend #19. I drove back home the next morning.

I spent the following weekend at her place. On returning home, after a couple of days, I phoned up girlfriend #19 to see whether we could see each other the next weekend perhaps at my place with or without her daughter. She was very non-committal over the phone call and subsequent phone calls that week.

Stupidly I had another brainwave, this time a very stupid brainwave, to drive up to her place on the Saturday evening to surprise her. I think I did surprise er but not in the way that was intended.

When I arrived at her place thinking she would be at home with her daughter, there was no answer to my knocks on her front door. Not to be outdone, I wrote a note to her saying I was here, which I posted through her letterbox, and then drove to a nearby pub to wait for her return.

While at the pub, I tried repeatedly to phone her but my calls weren't answered. Also I drove back to her place a couple of times but my knocks on the door went unanswered. After a few beers at the pub, I realised I wasn't going to see girlfriend #19 that night and, moreover, I realised I couldn't drive back home. After the pub shut, I tried to get some sleep in my car before driving back home the following morning.

On returning home, I phoned my best friend about what happened. She explained that girlfriend #19 thought I was stalking her. I answered that I wasn't - my best friend believed me - while accepting my idea of a surprise visit wasn't a smart move. That effectively meant the end of my relationship with girlfriend #19. If only I had heeded the advice of my best friend's partner!

Have you ever been warned off a partner or potential partner by a friend? If so, did you heed the warning?
Have you worked out the first name of girlfriend #19?

A few months after all this, I did see girlfriend #19 again at a party. We were polite to each other. She was hanging out with the rugby crowd, I was hanging out with 'very kinky sex' girlfriend #15. I was a kinkster not a stalker!

On Adult FriendFinder, I penned a regular series of blog posts about my girlfriends - 16 out of 31 girlfriends were covered there. A further six girlfriends - girlfriend #8 (, girlfriend #12 (, girlfriend #15 (, girlfriend #22 (, girlfriend#23 ( and girlfriend #25 ( - have been so far covered here. Only two more to go!


  1. Nope, don’t know her name.

    My extended family didn’t particularly like my third husband before I married him, but I am not one to allow others influence my romantic decisions because they are not me. I’m the one who has to live with the decision.

    That said, I probably shouldn’t have married him even though he remains one of my best friends today.

    1. I thought you may got the name of my ex-girlfriend this time just from the woman shown in the first photo.
      It's good you've remained friends with your ex-husband.

    2. Is it Tracey Ullman? It's been a while since I saw her in anything, so I wasn't sure and kinda thought it could have also been Sally Field. Then, I also thought it could be the actress who played Marty McFly's girlfriend in Back to the Future.

      So, yeah, I don't know.

      He's a good guy. My family was wrong about him. They were only right I shouldn't marry him, but that has nothing to do with his character and more to do with long time compatibility. We're both super strong personalities and clashed a lot living together.

    3. It is Tracey Ullman. She seems to have gone quiet for many years. In her prime, she was very funny.

  2. I had guessed Tracey as well as I recognized Tracey Ullman, before seeing Deb's comments.I used to love her. My best friends first husband I did not like much, yet did not warn her off him when they married. They did eventually split and about 4 years later she found the man of her dreams and thankfully this one is so much better suited for her..

    1. Tracey is correct. Yet another gold star for you!
      It's always difficult to advise friends about their romantic choices; it's usually best done when friends ask for advice.

    2. Yes it is, as unsolicited advice may get their backs up..

    3. I deleted a comment which was when I first saw Tracey Ullman there my mind immediately started playing her song 'They Don't Know About Us." The title is only "They Don't Know."

    4. I've deleted your deleted comment.

  3. I never met a potential partner through friends, but when my BFF met the biggest mistake of my life, she did warn me off him. I should have listened to her. I did get out of that relationship after a year, tho.

    1. I think it's difficult for friends to warn someone off a potential partner. Sometimes their warning is taken as a green light rather than as a red light!

  4. She thought I could do better, and boy, was she right!

    1. I suspect she did trade up from me! If only I played rugby at the time!

    2. She probably dumped the dude she traded up with just as quickly, using whatever excuse she had in her arsenal


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