Girlfriend #31 shares a first name with the three famous women shown in the photos above and below.

I met girlfriend #31 at work. She worked in the office on the undergraduate side of things while I worked on the postgraduate side. Work-wise our paths didn't cross but we were still required, by the university's code of conduct, to reveal our romantic/sexual relationship to our respective line managers.

At work we always exchanged pleasantries. One day I was in the photocopying room and girlfriend #31 came in to also do some photocopying. While she waited we started chatting - we were the only ones in the room. The conversation got round to a newly released film, Control, about my favourite band Joy Division. She seemed interested in the film, so I asked whether she would like to see the film with me in the evening. She agreed.

We met in a nearby bar, and after seeing the film, we retired to the same bar. After the bar closed, I asked girlfriend #31 back to my apartment for a nightcap - my apartment was only a minute's walk from the bar. At my apartment, I realised that she drove to the city centre to meet me and, that she had already downed quite a bit of alcohol. Magnanimously, I offered that she's very welcome to crash out at my place and, far less magnanimously, I offered my bed to share while not mentioning I had a spare bedroom.

I crashed out first and was in my bed while soon after girlfriend #31 came into my bedroom. She stripped off, bar for her bra and pants, and got into my bed. I ravaged her as soon as she got into my bed. The sex was great, and we also had great sex in the morning. Before we both went to work - she was driving and I was catching a bus, I asked her whether I could see again after work that day. She agreed. She came back and we had great sex again.

We saw a lot of each other that week. I felt very comfortable in her company. So much so that I told her that I had been to a sex club. Girlfriend #31 seemed interested in a sex club so I asked whether she'd like to go to one with me - with hindsight, there was a pattern already. Within a week of having gone on our first date, we had gone to a sex club.

At the sex club, about 20 miles from Nottingham, we checked into our basic bedroom - sex clubs with bedrooms are the best! We then went into the club and sat down at the bar. After a while, another couple came over to chat to us. They were experienced swingers, so we asked them lots of questions about swinging. Their answers definitely intrigued us both.

The woman of the couple persuaded girlfriend #31, not that I needed persuading, to follow her and get naked before entering the jacuzzi in the club's main playroom. In the jacuzzi, both women were naked splashing around. The woman's partner was sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi with his feet dangling into the water. I was next to him. Both women took it in turns to suck his cock. This was a cue for quite a few single men to come over to the jacuzzi. Stupidly I made room for them. The woman and girlfriend #31 were just going round sucking cock; unfortunately I was so far back in the queue that my cock never got sucked. That was my first lesson learnt about the swinging world; it's dog eats dog between men!

Regardless, we both enjoyed the sex club experience. This was when we joined Adult FriendFinder (AFF) as a swinging couple. I was already a member as a single man. We met many couples to have sex with and we subsequently hosted many sex parties for couples. We were swingers!

I honestly believe that swinging brought us closer both emotionally and sexually. Swinging meant we had to talk about our feelings and what we liked sexually. It was at this time I realised I liked sloppy seconds. We befriended another couple from Wiltshire and they often held bareback sex parties - I never quite understood why they insisted bareback at their parties, it's not as if they were on patrol checking! Anyway, the woman of the couple knew I liked sloppy seconds so she always came to me after being fucked top say whether I wanted to be second. The sex was always glorious.

We were both very aware of the risks of swinging; we got regularly tested. Neither of us contracted a sexually transmitted infection (STI). maybe that was luck but we were responsible swingers.

Back to the relationship with girlfriend #31, she did a lot for me. At the time we met my Mum was largely confined to hospital with motor neurone disease. Girlfriend #31 would drive me and wait while I visited my Mum. After my Mum died, girlfriend #31 would drive me to my Dad's home for a weekend visit. She would stay at her uncle's about ten miles away before picking me up for us to both go back to Nottingham. I really appreciated that support from her. Girlfriend #31 also looked after my cat when my Dad was unable to do so.

Though she never met my parents, I did meet her mother and brother, plus her son and daughter. And her ex-husband. Relations with her family seemed good, though my relationship with her daughter was a bit fraught occasionally. There was a time in a restaurant when girlfriend #31 took a phone call from her daughter that made her cry. I was so angry with her daughter that I wanted to speak to her on the phone. Thankfully girlfriend #31 didn't hand over her phone, but her daughter was playing all the cards, in my opinion at the time, to ruin my relationship with girlfriend #31 but, looking back, to deny her mother happiness.

Girlfriend #31 sold her house in Nottingham and moved into my city centre apartment. We even got engaged, though I did propose to her when she got mad at me at one of our sex parties.

After a few blissful years together, and with the benefit of hindsight, things started to go wrong in our relationship. At the time, there were flashpoints rather than being a pattern. But looking back, there was a pattern.

Have you ever had a significant relationship which seemed near-perfect at the start but ended up as a near-disaster?
Have you worked out the first name of girlfriend #31?

In Amsterdam, we had a big row. In Belfast, we had another big row. In Whitchurch, a town where my Dad lived, we were rowing while walking back to the hotel and a police officer stopped us to inquire about our argument. I was telling the policeman that our row was nothing but girlfriend #31 didn't back me up even though I was being threatened with arrest. At our last sex party, girlfriend #31 went ballistic because I was having sex with another woman to the point that every guest at the party left even those who were down to crash out overnight. The signs were there.

And then one night after rowing and after I retired to bed in an attempt to defuse the row, she came up to the bedroom with a knife in her hand. I know I've blogged about this before on AFF. But I felt very uncomfortable with girlfriend #31 brandishing a knife in my bedroom. I decided to prise away the knife from her hand. She then phoned the police. When the police arrived, I got arrested for domestic assault. This was a serious situation for me as domestic assault is a notifiable offence in which employers get told about the arrest before it goes to court. My career was at stake.

Girlfriend #31 later withdrew her charges and I was released after a few hours in a police cell. But I wasn't happy about things. This is when I ended things with her. But when I ended our relationship, another flashpoint erupted when girlfriend #31 and her daughter were throwing books at me from the balcony onto me trying to sleep on my sofa in the lounge. I just gathered my stuff up, left my apartment and booked myself into a nearby hotel.

To get girlfriend #31 out of my apartment, I promised to pay 12 months rent on an unfurnished house and pay to furnish that house. I'm not bitter! After a while, she left Nottingham and our paths never crossed.

I realise girlfriend #31 may have a very different take on things. But for me, what started out as the best relationship I've ever had ended up as the worst relationship I've ever had. After that relationship, I soon rekindled my safe relationship with girlfriend #14.

On Adult FriendFinder, I penned a regular series of blog posts about my girlfriends - 16 out of 31 girlfriends were covered there. A further seven girlfriends - girlfriend #8 (, girlfriend #12 (, girlfriend #15 (, girlfriend #19 (, girlfriend #22 (, girlfriend#23 ( and girlfriend #25 ( - have been so far covered here. Only one more to go!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This was a difficult one. It seems there are many famous Susans but not many famous Sues!
      A year with your partner sounds most promising.

    2. I deleted the above comment due to a song I tried to post which had me smiling to the name Sue. I have three female friends in my real life named Susan, Suzanne and one with the derivative and goes by the name Sue only.. Johnny Cash's "A Boy Named Sue" popped into my mind when replying originally, with my long-time friend Sue who did not like being called "Susan" at all, so we used to tease her with "A Boy Named Sue" by Johnny Cash. One thing I miss in comments on Blogger here, is not being able to add videos in our comment section..

    3. I should have uploaded a clip of Johnny Cash's 'A Boy Named Sue' as one of my clues. I love Johnny Cash's songs.

    4. I actually hate Johnny Cash, as I heard him way too often during childhood with my Dad singing "Burning Ring Of Fire" every single morning I was growing up on his trip to the bathroom and his Love for Johnny Cash.. Brings back memories for me though..The name "Sue" did also along with Johnny Cash singing " A Boy Named Sue." and my long time friend named "Sue." If you had added ' A Boy Named Sue' to your post here, I would have guessed your Girlfriends name immediately. I could not nor did here as the first two photos, were from the U.K. only..

    5. I'm not into country music - Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton were and are the only acts I like. Country music isn't big here unlike in America (and I'm not meaning Canada there!

    6. LMAO! Thanks for that, although it has grown in popularity here also..

  2. My fist marriage started off as a bang then descended into chaos. After that, I got into the habit of breaking up with people when things got too wild.

    That wasn’t good either, btw.

    Since I’ve learned to be a better communicator, as well as hone my “picking” skills.

    I know her name is sue because of your comment to Joy

    1. At least you didn't 'cheat' in getting her name right!

  3. It's a bummer when a relationship that seemed to be so good goes bad. How many years in were you when the big rows started to happen?

    1. The big rows started after about three years into the relationship. The last year, for me at least, was all about firefighting because quite often the rows were public.
      I remember when I first saw her after we split up, I insisted on meeting in a cafe which was a mistake as a scene unfolded when she threw the engagement ring at me after I confirmed I wanted out of the relationship. With hindsight, I should have met her in a private setting but I then believed meeting in a public place would make for a more civilised conversation.

  4. I've had a relationship starting off great, or so I thought, and it turned into the biggest mistake I made in my life

    1. If only we knew how a relationship ended before we started it!

    2. I would pay money for my foresight to be my hindsight!


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